Results for: depth
English English
ability to penetrate, attack that enters enemy territory, degree of success in a market, depth projectile goes into a target, entering or passing through, insertion of penis, passing into, piercing, permeation; understanding; comprehensionpenetration
abridge, draw in perspective to give the appearance of depth; shorten, minimize, show something shorter than it isforeshorten
act in stated way, act of treading, crush, dance steps, depth of grooves on a tire surface, form a path, horizontal part of a step, outer surface of a tire, part of shoe that touches the ground, walk, stride; step on, stepping, walking; sound of walkin...tread
appearing to have depth, believable, with three dimensionsthree-dimensional
area of shallow water, having little depth, not deep; superficial, not concerned with serious intellectual matters; weak, breathing in very little air, make or become shallow, not thinking or feeling deeply, taking in little airshallow
atmospheric measurement, depth measurement, making a noise, producing a loud sound, resonant; making loud meaningless noises, measurement of water depth by means of a line and lead; measurements obtained by sounding with a lead and line; measurement of...sounding
beer in barrels, call for military service, call up, call-up, check, compel to run for office, conscription, current of air in enclosed space, current of cold air, depth needed by ship to float, dose of liquid medicine, follow closely, leveling line on...draft
board for leveling, guide for plastering, lengthy piece of writing, long essay or statement; piece, fragment; wood used as a guide when pouring concrete; strip of plaster placed on a wall and used as a guide for surface depth; tool used to level off po...screed
boxer competing at lightweight, insignificant person or thing, lacking intellectual depth, light in weight, not very heavy; in the low weight category (Boxing, Wrestling); trivial, not serious, not heavy in weight or texture, person who weighs less tha...lightweight
checker, draft, draft; breeze, gust; drink; sip; depth of the submergence of a ship; catch of fishdraught
completely, exactly, find the depth or vertical alignment of, fully comprehend, in true vertical or perpendicular position, make vertical, measure depth using a plumb; make perpendicular to, perpendicularly; vertically; utterly, quite, totally (Slang),...plumb
comprehend, get to the bottom of; penetrate and understand; measure the depth of, measure of water depth, measure water depth using sounding line, unit of length equal to six feet (used for measuring water depth)fathom
cursory, insignificant, located on or near the surface; outward, external; not profound; interested only in the obvious; unimportant, only apparently so, relating to the surface, without depth of charactersuperficial
dark, depth of color, lack of light, dimness; gloom; obscurity, nightdarkness

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