Results for: homines%20amplius%20oculis%20quam%20auribus%20credunt
Latin English
adeone homines immutari ex amore, ut non cognoscas eundem esse?that a person should be so changed by love, as not to be known again as the same person? (Terence)
astra regunt homines, sed regit astra Deusthe stars govern men, but God governs the stars
candida pax homines, trux decet ira feraswhite-robed peace becomes men, savage anger becomes wild beasts (Ovid)
consilia res magis dant hominibus quam homines rebusmen’s plans should be regulated by the circumstances, not circumstances by the plans (Livy)
di nos quasi pilas homines habentthe gods treat us mortals like so many balls to play with (Plautus)
divine Plato escam malorum appeliat voluptatem, quod ea videlicet homines capiantur, ut pisces hamoPlato divinely calls pleasure the bait of evil, inasmuch as men are caught by it as fish by a hook (Cicero)
Dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatemAs long as we are among humans, let us be humane. (Seneca)
dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatemso long as we live among men, let us cherish humanity (Seneca)
e fungis nati hominesmen born of mushrooms (i.e., upstarts)
ea molestissime ferre homines debent quæ ipsorum culpa ferenda suntmen ought to be most annoyed by the sufferings that come from their own faults (Cicero)
enim vero di nos quasi pilas homines habenttruly the gods use us men as footballs (Plautus)
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt creduntMen readily believe what they want to believe. (Caesar)
fere libenter homines id quod volunt creduntmen willingly believe what they wish to believe (Julius Cæsar)
homines (enim) ad deos nulla re propius accedunt quam salutem hominibus dandoin nothing are men more like gods than when they save (or heal) their fellow men (Cicero)
homines amplius oculis quam auribus creduntmen are readier to believe their eyes than their ears (Seneca)

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