Results for: heavenly%20gods
English Japanese (Kanji)
(Buddh) gandharva (heavenly musicians and protectors of Buddhism)乾闥婆 [けんだつば]
(Buddh) heavenly king; Gozu Tenno (deity said to be the Indian god Gavagriva)天王 [てんのう]
(Buddh) the five eyes (physical eye, heavenly eye, wisdom eye, dharma eye and Buddha eye)五眼 [ごげん]
(Buddh) the heavenly eye天眼 [てんげん]
Ama no Mihashira (the heavenly pillar on Onokoro Island, around which Izanagi and Izanami are said to have wed)天の御柱 [あまのみはしら]
Ama no Nuhoko (the heavenly jeweled spear used by Izanagi and Izanami)天の瓊矛 [あまのぬほこ]
Ama no Ukihashi (the heavenly floating bridge; by which gods are said to descend from the heavens to the earth)天の浮き橋 [あまのうきはし]
Ama no Ukihashi (the heavenly floating bridge; by which gods are said to descend from the heavens to the earth)天の浮橋 [あまのうきはし]
Ama-no-Murakumo no Tsurugi (heavenly gathering of clouds sword; one of the three Imperial regalia)天叢雲剣 [あまのむらくものつるぎ]
descendant of a god, heavenly grandson天孫 [てんそん]
god of harvests and wealth (syncretized with Saraswati, and often taking the form of a heavenly woman, a white snake or a fox)宇賀の神 [うかのかみ]
god of harvests and wealth (syncretized with Saraswati, and often taking the form of a heavenly woman, a white snake or a fox)宇賀神 [うかじん]
god of harvests and wealth (syncretized with Saraswati, and often taking the form of a heavenly woman, a white snake or a fox)宇賀神 [うがじん]
godsend, heavenly gift神の下し給うた物 [かみのくだしたもうたもの]
heavenly blessing; Tempuku era (1233.4.15-1234.11.5)天福 [てんぷく]

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