Results for: beget,%20to%20produce,%20give%20birth%20to,%20to%20breed,%20raise%20(children),%20bring%20up,%20to%20nurse,%20nourish,%20educate
English Chinese
(of parents) to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age养儿防老 [yang3 er2 fang2 lao3]
(of parents) to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age養兒防老 [yang3 er2 fang2 lao3]
A foolish maternal grandmother loves her daughter's children.發暈 ,昏了
a queue of people, a crocodile (of school children)人龍 [ren2 long2]
a queue of people, a crocodile (of school children)人龙 [ren2 long2]
a strict father makes obedient children嚴父出孝子
abandon (forsake) one's children (Lit. hen won't care for chicks anymore)父母親不要孩子 ,母雞不再帶小雞 (因為小雞長大了 )
affection, family love, love, esp. within a married couple or between parents and children亲情 [qin1 qing2]
affection, family love, love, esp. within a married couple or between parents and children親情 [qin1 qing2]
aged people and young children老幼
all going on well (e.g., when bringing up children)好手氣
all going on well bringing up children or managing pupils機運好
an agreement whereby a married daughter gives one of her children her own family name rather than the family name of her husband女兒嫁後言明所生之子一人歸娘家姓
an expression used to accuse someone of being unfilial (Lit. Children are fed without discussing the amount of rice, when parents are fed the meals need to be counted.)養兒不計一切 ,養父母卻斤斤計較。
argue with a superior or an elder (usually used about children)頂嘴

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