Results for: starch from cassava plant, starchy substance obtained from the cassava root and used to thicken puddings and other foods
English English
starch from cassava plant, starchy substance obtained from the cassava root and used to thicken puddings and other foodstapioca
(about a gland) secreting products formed by the breakdown of glandular cells, secreting own substanceholocrine
(about a substance) retaining moisture, absorbent substance, moisture-absorbinghumectant
(about hemp or flax fibers) soften by soaking in water, prepare by dampening with water, soak plant fibersret
(also known as Centella and Gotu Kola) type of creeping plant of the genus Hydrocotyle (Botany), marsh plant, navelwort, plant with rounded leaves, rock plantpennywort
(also Minthe) nymph that was changed into a mint plant (Greek Mythology)Menthe
(Anatomy) creation of a myelin sheath, development of a fatty substance which covers the axiom of nerve cellsmyelination
(Anatomy) having a myelin sheath, containing a fatty substance which covers the axiom of nerve cells, surrounded by myelin sheathmyelinated
(Anatomy) production of a myelin sheath, development of a fatty substance which covers the axiom of nerve cellsmyelinization
(Biochemistry) of opsonin (substance in the blood which aids in the destruction of bacteria), of opsoninsopsonic
(Biochemistry) production of opsonin (substance in the blood which aids in the elimination of bacteria)opsonize
(Biochemistry) type of aromatic amino acid which is essential to nutrition in animals (found in some leguminous plant seeds)tryptophan
(Biology) body of an organism (excluding reproductive cells), all body cells except germ cells, body as distinct from mind, intoxicating drink in Hindu scripture, plant soma is made fromsoma
(Biology) in a catabolic manner (pertaining to the breaking down of plant and animal material in the body to release energy)catabolically
(Biology) of nucleoplasm (substance in the cell nucleus)nucleoplasmatic

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