Results for: (Judaism)%20joyful%20recitation,%20song%20of%20praise,%20name%20given%20to%20the%20group%20of%20Psalms%20113-118%20which%20is%20recited%20and%20chanted%20during%20Jewish%20holidays%20(such%20as%20Passover,%20Shavuoth,%20Sukkoth%20and%20Rosh%20Hodesh)
English English
(Judaism) joyful recitation, song of praise, name given to the group of Psalms 113-118 which is recited and chanted during Jewish holidays (such as Passover, Shavuoth, Sukkoth and Rosh Hodesh)hallel
7-branched ceremonial candleholder, 8-branched Hanukkah candleholder, candelabrum used in Judaismmenorah
8-9 day harvest festival, holiday commemorating the 40 years during which the Israelites lived in booths in the wilderness (Judaism)Succoth
8-9 day harvest festival, holiday commemorating the 40 years during which the Israelites lived in booths in the wilderness (Judaism)Sukkot
8-9 day harvest festival, holiday commemorating the 40 years during which the Israelites lived in booths in the wilderness (Judaism), Feast of Tabernacles, Jewish harvest festival, Succoth, SukkotSukkoth
acceptance into church, ceremony marking beginning of responsible adulthood, confirming something, formal approval; proof; verification; coming of age ceremony (Christianity, Judaism), something that confirms something elseconfirmation
adherent or supporter of Reconstructionist Judaism; one who supported re-acceptance of Confederate states into the Union after the Civil War (U.S. History)Reconstructionist
adopt Judaism, make something JewishJudaize
believer in Judaism, member of Semitic people, one of Jewish descent, one who is descended from the Biblical Hebrews; member of the Jewish religion, somebody from ancient JudahJew
Bible of Judaism, see also:TorahHebrew Scriptures
blessing, blessing said over wine on the Sabbath (Judaism), receptionKiddush
book copier, clerk, copier of Jewish religious documents, copyist, copier of manuscripts; public clerk; author, writer; Jewish scholar who transcribed edited and interpreted Biblical scrolls (Judaism), journalist, mark lines on something, scriber, writ...scribe
branch of JudaismConservative Judaism
branch of JudaismOrthodox Judaism
church protecting fugitives, holy or sacred place; shelter, refuge; wildlife refuge, area of land set aside for the protection of wildlife; ancient Temple of Jerusalem (Judaism); holy of holies in the ancient Temple of Jerusalem (Judaism), holy place, ...sanctuary

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